A Sion College Family Theatre Event: Rumpelstiltskin (followed by lunch)

St Stephen’s Church, Rochester Row, London SW1P 1LE

Saturday 6th January 2024 at 11.00am

Sion College is hosting a performance of Rumpelstiltskin for children on Saturday 6th January 2024. The Globe Players promise excitement, magic and lots of comedy when they perform this 50-minute dramatisation of the famous Grimms’ fairytale.

As always, this event is subsidised with the cost to Sion College members and their parties held at just £10 for adults, with no charge for children of school-age and below. The event begins at 11.00am and lunch will be provided for everyone after the performance. The number of tickets may be limited, but priority in allocating places will be given to those with school-age children, and specifically to children and grandchildren of Members & Fellows. Please apply, by Monday 4th December. All applicants will be contacted with further details by Tuesday 5th December.

If you have not yet registered for online payment you will be asked to do this and your registration will need to be validated by the Administrator before you can use the facility. You will only need to register once, and for any applications for subsequent events you will need only to log in. Payment is taken by PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account. 

Please note

  • Successful applicants will be sent further information by Wednesday 6th December 2023
  • Cancellations notified after Tuesday 12th December will not be refunded
  • Attendees will be expected to honour any food choices submitted in advance

Sion College events are often over-subscribed and each place is generously subsidised. If you are offered a place but are unable to attend for any reason, please let the office know so that your place may be offered to another applicant. In the event of failure to attend without notice after being reserved a place, the Court will require a refund of the subsidy. Application for a place at any Sion event constitutes acceptance of this proviso.

Event Details

Event date: 6th January
Applications open: 26th October
Applications close: 5th December
Price: £10.00 per adult

Event Properties

Event Date 06-01-2024 11:00 am
Event End Date 06-01-2024 5:00 pm
Cut off date 05-12-2023 11:55 pm
Individual Price £10.00

Please login to register for this event

020 3092 2855
Sion College Office,
Faith House,
7 Tufton Street,